Macronutrient Calculator

We developed it to be the most comprehensive and easy to use fitness calculator for people following the diet. The macro calculator takes the guess work out of dieting. All you have to do is enter your details, select your goals and retrieve your macros. We have added a few options in step 3 for those of you that like to manipulate your protein and fats. Scroll down to get started with the Macro Calculator now!

Calculate Your TDEE (daily calories required)
Athletes Formula (best for lean people)
Lean Mass Formula (best if overweight)
Sedentary: Spend most of the day sitting (e.g. bank taller, desk job)
Lightly Activity: Spend a good part of the day on your feet (e.g. teacher, salesman)
Active: Spend a good part of the day doing some physical activity (e.g. waitress, mailman)
Very Active: Spend most of the day doing heavy physical activity (e.g. bike messanger, carpenter)
How many week days per week do you exercise?
How many minutes per day do you exercise (cardio & weight lifting combined)?
Light: I can hold a conversation while working out and do not break a sweat.
Moderate: I am breathing hard and challenge myself.
Difficult: I always break a sweat and have an elevated heart rate. I cannot hold a conversation.
Intense: Don"t talk to to me, don"t look at me. I am here for a purpose and i might die today.
Step 3: Select Your Nutrition Plan (we suggest Balanced)
Choose Plans
1.00 grams per lb. of body weight
1.15 grams per lb. of body weight
1.25 grams per lb. of body weight
Custom grams per lb. of body weight
.35 grams per lb. of body weight
.40 grams per lb. of body weight
.45 grams per lb. of body weight
Custom grams per lb. of body weight
Carbohydrates are calculated based on the calories you have remaining after calories from protein and fat have been subtracted from your TDEE.