Freedom Friday
IT’S OK THAT YESTERDAY DIDN’T GO AS PLANNED; TODAY IS A NEW DAY! There is so much freedom in knowing that each day is a fresh start. You get an opportunity each day to do better; each day, you get a do-over. Don’t get hung up on yesterday; learn from it
4 Tips for overcoming gym anxiety
What’s up, FCB family So today, Adam and I want to give you our 4 top tips for overcoming gym anxiety; this is a topic that has been coming up a lot lately, so we thought we would share how we deal with this. Be sure to leave me a comment on the blog if
What’s up our amazing FCB Fam! So we know not everyone has an iTunes apple podcast, so I now have a weblink to all our episodes you can listen right here on the website. Click the link below FCB PODCAST
Thankful Thursday
YOU ALREADY ARE EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO BE, IT’S ALREADY INSIDE YOU! You are amazing, and everything about you is just right, don’t ever let anyone or anything make you feel less than. God made you exactly how you’re supposed to be. Your journey on this earth is to embrace everything you
Wisdom Wednesday
“ YOU NEED TO PREPARE FOR SUCCESS, SCHEDULING YOUR WORKOUTS IS DOING JUST THAT” If you don’t see your workouts as important meetings you won’t prioritize them. I don’t have time to workout is an EXCUSE! I can’t find time to work out is an EXCUSE! You have to make time and be
Truth Tuesday
KEEP MOVING FORWARD If I could go back in time and encourage my younger self, OH MAN!!!!! I would tell her to keep going. It doesn’t look like anything is happening, but there is change; keep moving forward. You don’t see anything yet when you plant a seed, but underneath, it’s growing
Today I will give you my 3 tips for putting muscle on; now, you have to remember that putting muscle on will take time, discipline, focus, and patience. Putting on muscle will increase your resting metabolic rate meaning you will burn more calories at rest. So whether you are male or female, building muscle is
Motivation Monday
YOU CANNOT EXPECT TO SUCCEED IF YOU ONLY PUT THE WORK IN WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE IT. Have you heard the old saying…..never skip a Monday? It’s true, and this is why. Your Monday sets your tone for the whole week. I never feel like working out right before I start; I’ve