Are you being honest with your effort?
This was a hard one for me for many years, which can be challenging for most women.
We think we have to do everything perfectly; in the end, this all-or-nothing mentality ends up hurting us more than anything.
All you have to do is try and stay consistent and be honest with yourself and your efforts where you’re at, knowing each day will be different. Some days you will give it 110%, and some days, just getting the workout done, speaking kindly to yourself, and nourishing your body will take everything out of you.
You won’t make this journey perfectly, and you have to be ok with that, but what you do have to be “HONEST” about is your effort to try in all areas that will make you a better woman. Your mindset, nutrition and training that’s all on you; these areas will require total honesty regarding your check-in and progress feedback.
Let me know your thoughts below.
Coach hannah