@katrinahouliaras is a FCB member! We asked for her testimony@on her journey and here’s what she had to say ..
My journey with Hannah started when I first met her six years ago, since that time I’ve had two more pregnancies which meant big fluctuations in weight like 60lbs and the challenge of trying to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight which I did make happen.
The best part about Hannahs fit club is that it’s help me overcome all the obstacles and challenges, the ups and downs, the good days and bad days that come with weight loss. My biggest accomplishment has been caring for myself, and it’s a bonus to fit my extra small clothes😊.
My biggest struggle has been staying consistent. The camaraderie, the mentorship, and Hannah‘s leadership have been keys to my success. Hannah has taught me that this is a journey, and it definitely is. I’ve found a rhythm that works for my life and I love it!
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